Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The walking includes some ups and downs but we have good legs now and getting better.  We are about 120+ miles in and today was our first day of rain.  It took most of the day to figure out my strategy on dealing with it.  Think I have it down now lol.  Pretty easy day, about 11 miles. More and more green walking which is sought after. Nice hostel and great facilities. Cold though. No heat happening but OK for the price 13 Euros. Bought pasta for tonight with chorizo tossed in. Egg scramble in the morning. Pretty amazing that we seem to always be the only ones in the hostels.. Did meet in passing two ladies heading for Fatima which is the opposite direction from us.
Liked the emblem..Many walls and buildings like this.

Church in yesterday town.

Home tonight

Phil and I enjoying a Brandy after grocery shopping at the local Mercado.


  1. This looks like such an amazing trip! Have fun, and send lots of pictures of the food -- you're making me hungry!


    1. Will keep you in mind. I am all about all food Portuguese.
