Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Walked into Porto yesterday after 10 miles. Dumped packs as too early to check into Blue Socks
Add Hostel has bar so Phil and I HAD to try Port in Porto.  These are the ones we sampled. Very surprised how good they were.


Lunch place

The dish above is a Francesca. Very good loaded with meat and sausage with a secret sauce. Super Bock. True portuguese meal. Delightful.

Passed this guy coming in.
hostel. No fly by nite outfit. There are 12 floors of dorms/rooms.. Walked down the street to have lunch outdoors under canopy gas heaters and even blankets on the chairs.A Super Bock to start!
Checked in,got situated, walked Round
around a bit relaxing planning next push to Santiago. Phil taking the Coastal Route while I am taking the traditional Central Route. Forecast tomorrow mucho rain.Dont take many pics in rain with cell. Taking a bunch with my Garmin and video as is OK with water.

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